Centrum sociálnych služieb Rohov
Domov sociálnych služieb
pre deti a dospelých v Rohove

About us

The founder of the Social Services Home for Children and Adults in Rohov (SSH) is Trnava self -governing region.

SSH Rohov provides a year-long residential form of social services for disabled women, who have disabilities, metal disorders, and behavioral disorders or sensory impairment, or combination of disabilities.

The main aims of SSH Rohov:

  • Support, create and maintain relations of social services recipients with their families and other close relatives.
  • Respect and apply recipients’ right to participate on the planning and realization of social holiday activities and to take part in hobby activities.
  • Minimize purposeless and excessive care, which precludes the development of abilities and skills.
  • Develop and respect recipients’ emotional life and allow them to create amicable interpersonal relationship.
  • Sustained trend in the work of SSH Rohov is searching for new ways how to increase the level of intellectual, motional, communicative and practical abilities and skills of recipients, and thus increase quality of their life.
  • Organization of hobby activities, cultural and social activities, holidays for recipients.
  • Improvement of the team work of the employees, support of positive changes in thinking and acting of SSH Rohov employees.
  • Support increasing of employees’ qualification, provide specialized courses for employees of SSH Rohov, which contribute to increase quality of providing services.

SSH Rohov is not adjusted to provide social services for recipients, who requires increased psychiatric control at the isolation room or for recipients with abnormal aggression.

SSH Rohov is not providing the social services for recipients, who are accused and for their mental state the final decision of the court imposed a protective measure on them (protective treatment, protective education, protective control, or the placement of the convict in the detention facility). The prohibition on the provision of social services to such persons shall apply to the entire duration of the protection measure (§61 paragraph 3).